Most people buy a vehicle with the intent of keeping it for as long as possible. This is how you maximize enjoyment and minimize the cost of ownership. During the time of ownership, we discover that some cars we like a lot, and some not so much. But the common denominator is this…the better care a vehicle…
Safe driving is primarily about being aware of your surroundings and being respectful of your vehicle's power and others who are sharing the road. It isn’t difficult, but it can make the difference in getting you and others to your destination safely. Unsafe driving puts everyone at risk. Here are some…
Here’s some tips to help you avoid the most common accidents out there on the highway, First, don’t tailgate! Leave enough room so you can react in any situation, and add distance in inclement weather. Next, be a pro at using your side mirrors; keeping other traffic away from you gives you a “buffer…
Follow this check-list for safe driving! Check lights and wipers for visibility. With shorter days and inclement weather ahead, make sure lights and wipers function properly so that you can see and be seen. Check the exterior and interior lights and replace any that are dimming, rapidly blinking or…